Sunday, April 29, 2012

I don't know what this has to do with...

Shadow puppets with bulging hair from underneath the straw hat; self portraiture in shadow; the end of a storm out in the pacific somewhere, raging for however many days only to come in and meekly pass an undercurrent in two inches of crystal clear water on the edge of this continent; don't drop the sandals, those sandals you went to that solidly weird hippie store with that old hippie chick sales-lady hitting on you but she was wearing a broken-foot boot of some kind and the machine that took a fancy infrared look at your feet didn't work for you and you just wanted to drop you one and a fifth C-note of those pieces of cork and leather...

This has to do with activities that ground a person in their roots...

I've recently been looking through some of my old notebooks for specific things and have been finding other beautiful little nuggets, random moments where you just need to let it flow. Similar to this post, but only in spirit.

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