Thursday, February 7, 2013

Exhaust Trail Shadows?

Seriously, check it out, the view from out balcony the other day, which was also the day of the Super Bowl:

The jet's exhaust or vapor trail is casting a shadow on the high cumulus clouds, making it look like a ceiling. it me? Does this look cheesy fake to anybody else? How is that line of sight created? That vapor must be in front of some kind of screen made of clouds or the shadow cast at this angle appears flat against cloud surface that's irregularly distant.

It was closer to dusk than noon, and this is facing west, perpendicular to our beach, which faces south.

That picture can be disorienting. Here's the angle that it looked when you first see it with your own eyes:

Here's a super close up, just a tiny bit grainy, but the shadow looks good:

Weird sometimes.

Like, okay, look at the above picture. What do we see? Four wires, hazy clouds over a blueish sky, jet exhaust and shadow, and palm fronds.

Palm trees sneak up all the time in photos down here.

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