Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Limekiln Wildlife: Critters Edition

Here are some pictures of the animals we saw during our Limekiln camping trip:

In the first five minutes after getting there, there was a deer roaming the grounds, and I caught him like a ghost in the upper right-hand corner of this exposure:

An obvious addition to any trip to a California coast--seabirds:

Banana slugs in the wild! I'd never seen one before. It was pretty small, and I remember thinking, Who left a golden pepper out here? But it was moving! Cool:

Be careful and wary: smelly elephant seals brawling in the surf:

And sunning on the beach:

The big male on the upper right is nearly as big as my old Datsun 240-Z.


  1. banana slugs are amazing aren't they??? those big seals are loud and dangerous..... I do like the deer picture you were being spied upon....

  2. Auntie Peg was telling me crazy stories about banana slugs last night...I'd like to have witnessed what you guys saw back in the day...

    Our little banana slug was pretty small, like my index finger size. Those elephant seals, though, were NOT small...even the babies or pups were 80 to 100 pounds.
