Saturday, December 28, 2019

Experimental Notes

I mostly just want to see how some of these pictures look together away from my own computer.

I think I'll try using this site for some note-keeping and visual experimentation with...projects...?

I have some comic book ideas that I've been messing with the internet to put some pictures together...

Like...some Golden Age Notes...

These two you know:

And these two you mostly know:

As in, the Flash and Green Lantern are around, just not quite those characters as the first ones to jump in your head.

What about these two:

How about the dispersal of science and magic in explaining the powers of some of the Golden Age characters still around today:

Those are actually in chronological order of appearance...

What about DC's Siver Age:

What about the similarly timed Marvel Age:

I mean, seriously, making their first appearances the same month?

And now for a prediction: I think this will be the trio after the so-called DC 5G realignment dust settles in the coming months:

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