Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Return of Old Reliable

I was preparing to disassemble my thought-to-be-finished Old Reliable camera and take a look at the sensor. Corrie laughed and mentioned that maybe it was just the batteries. When I checked them I saw that they were our rechargeable Duracells, which are a good thing in theory, but in practice, especially with my battery-suck Old Reliable, won't last for long enough to snap a half-dozen flashes.

So, I replaced them with another pair of rechargeables, and tried turning the camera on. That was the real problem in the first place: it wouldn't turn on at all.

I fired it up, and it was just like old times. Here's a blurry shot, reminiscent of the usual issues it had with nighttime/darkness:

(Note the fish and frog.)

Also, here's a link to someone complaining about their (Apex) Digitrex DSC 3000. This person didn't seem to know how to use a camera with the limitations and abilities of Old Reliable. This person's angry bitching makes me laugh.

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