Sunday, December 2, 2012

Is it Because of Obama?

Guillermo del Toro, the Spanish Peter Jackson (can I get away with that comparison?) is making a movie called Pacific Rim due out in 2013. From the teaser trailers it looks like a modern del Toro-take on a Godzilla-vs-Giant Robots type of movie.

I read that the role of the general, Gen. Stacker Pentecost, was originally going to Tom Cruise. Instead, they cast Idris Elba in the role. I have two words for giving a role designed for Tom Cruise to motherfuckin' Stringer Bell:

Fuck, & Yeah.

Maybe we can thank Barry the Prez for that. Maybe Idris is just the right guy for the gig. He captained the eponymous ship Prometheus in that stinker, and that was pretty sweet.

I don't really care so much about the movie, I guess, but anytime Idris, or Michael K.Williams, or Wendell Pierce, or any one of the awesome black folks from The Wire gets work (like Cutty, even if I would never watch his show), I count it as a cool thing.

Idris Elba here, playing maybe the second coolest television character ever, Stringer Bell:

Michael K. Williams next as Omar, the coolest character in television history (even taking Tony Soprano and Al Swearengen into consideration)(those are probably the top four, well, easily for HBO those would be the four #1 seeds in a bracket...)(Williams is currently featured on Boardwalk Empire, the Steve Buscemi AC show on HBO.)

Pierce as Bunk Moreland (currently stars in Treme on HBO):

Guess which member of this cast is Chad L. Coleman, the actor who played Cutty, former drug soldier, convict, and boxing trainer in various seasons of The Wire:

Can you believe this television show had the ludicrous name of "I Hate My Teenage Daughter"?

I even saw Bodie in a Fed-Ex commercial once.

1 comment:

  1. Cutty made his first appearance on The Walking Dead last night.... he is supposed to be a comic book fan favorite.... as I have not read the comic books I have no idea where the story is going but I do enjoy my Zombie show.
