Friday, December 14, 2012

Thanks Liene

This is a Thank You note for a Latvian coworker of my mom. Liene, a nice young newlywed (who won a photo contest I held last year), heard that I enjoyed the airy chocolate truffles she'd brought back from a trip back to her Baltic homeland.

Using that information on a more recent trip she brought back (or had sent over) an entire bag of the awesome, awesome truffles:

That was the bag. With just a single truffle left. I have a hard time not eating all of them in just a few minutes. Here's a few of the last truffle:

Thank you very much Liene! I appreciate it. Wishing you guys the best!


  1. Oh, Awesome,Thanks and you are Welcome. Glad You guys enjoyed them!

  2. I must add that these are some of my favorites as well... those and the Dark Chocolate covered marshmallow candies that don't last long in this house.

  3. Dark chocolate marshmallow candies? Whaa? I'd put a hurting on those...
