Saturday, July 21, 2012

From the "Uh...Okay" Files

A line from City Slickers, I think, is when Billy Crystal talks about aging and says that at some point you start losing the hair on the top of your head and gaining it in other places, like your back.

Well, in the world of men losing their hair (25% by the age of 30 start the process), I, for what it's worth, don't have that problem.

In fact, I'm actually afflicted with the opposite. I don't suffer from receding hairline, I have a proceeding hairline.

I noticed the other day that the hair on my right temple seemed to be creeping. My forehead seemed to be shrinking, and a new tuft of hair is now noticeable that wasn't their before. Is this regular for 33 year-olds? I kinda doubt it. I do have some pictures.

The first one shows, among other things (that I need a shave and a shower), the new wispy tufts:

Here's a closer look:

That hair is new, I'm pretty certain. Corrie laughed when I told her, but she did say that it didn't look usual. it's pretty long, right? But my hair grows fast, and sometimes grows unevenly, so, I don't know...

I'm officially starting to go stir crazy.

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